Anche per OVS voglia di bon-ton, abiti plissettati, giacche in tweed e un gusto retro’ che ci riporta agli anni’30. Divertentissimi i piumini bicolor, la versione in verde e turchese la mia preferita! Tanti i capispalla e i cappelli in ecopelliccia. Continua il trend degli “used jeans” degli abiti asimmetrici, delle stampe pitonate, e delle borchie che decorano borse e cinture.
OVS accontenta proprio i gusti di tutte noi, a voi la scelta… Rock o bon-ton? ;-)Rigour, neatness and bon-ton are the themes for Coin’s next Autumn-Winter. Pleated dresses, pencil skirts, pied de poule prints (also a huge theme for next season), coats and trench coats with simple lines and an already important must-have: also the french shoe, two-toned wedge with laces. Grey, cream, black and red are the main colours for this collection. All of this for the more “classic” woman who never gives up on galmour and elegance!
Even OVS has the desire for bon-ton with pleated dresses, tweed jackets and a touch of retro 30’s taste. The down jackets are fun, in two-tones of colour, and the green and turquoise version is my favourite! There are many fake-fur coats and hats. The “used-Jeans” trend continues, along with python prints and studs which decorate bags and belts.
OVS satisfies and caters for all tastes, the choice is yours… Rock or bon-ton? 😉
Thanks to GRUPPO COIN Press Office