Quest’outfit è dedicato al favoloso abito della giovane designer di origine turca Gulhan Ozer. Una raffinatissima ed elegantissima dea greca moderna; bella, eterea. Questa l’immagine di donna alla quale Gulhan si ispira per le sue collezioni.
Le linee sono semplici e pulite, i tessuti fluidi, morbidi, poco aderenti, coloratissime stampe floreali dalle nuance iper femminili. La sua è una continua ricerca nel passato, nell’arte e nel bello, in ogni suo aspetto.
E’ solo da un paio di mesi che conosco questa griffe; ho indossato per la prima volta un paio dei suoi favolosi short floreali durante la serata inaugurale del Convivio il 7 giugno.
Adoro le sue creazioni, sono incredibilmente chic. Mi sembra di tornare indietro di scatto nel tempo, attraversando il passato in uno stile colorato e un tocco glamour che magicamente riportano al presente e al futuro.
Pochi accessori ma essenziali. Mi piace l’effetto che fa la collana bouquet art dèco comprata a Londra un paio di anni fa; sembra proprio “sbocciare” dal vestito, come se fosse un tutt’uno con la stampa fiorata che l’accoglie. Semplicemente così ho voluto interpretare il meraviglioso tubino di Gulhan Ozer.This outfit is dedicated to the wonderful outfit by the young Turkish designer Gulhan Ozer. A modern sophisticated and elegant Greek goddess; beautiful and eternal. This is the type of woman which inspires Gulhan’s collections.
The lines are clean cut and simple, with soft flowy fabrics, loose fitting and colourful flowery prints with highly feminine nuance. Her mission is a continuous search in the past, in Art and all its beauty. I have only known this brand for a few months now. I wore a pair of her fabulous flowery shorts for the very first time at the Convivio’s inaugural evening on the 7th of June.
I adore her creations, I find them incredibly chic. I feel like I’ve taken a step back in time, walking through a colourful and glamourous past, which magically brings you back to the present and the future.
Only a few, but essential accessories. I like the art déco bouquet necklaces’ special effect; a necklace I bought in London a few years ago. It seems as though its one in itself, blossoming from the dress itself. And it is in this way that I wanted to interpret Gulhan Ozer’s wonderful sheath dress.
The lines are clean cut and simple, with soft flowy fabrics, loose fitting and colourful flowery prints with highly feminine nuance. Her mission is a continuous search in the past, in Art and all its beauty. I have only known this brand for a few months now. I wore a pair of her fabulous flowery shorts for the very first time at the Convivio’s inaugural evening on the 7th of June.
I adore her creations, I find them incredibly chic. I feel like I’ve taken a step back in time, walking through a colourful and glamourous past, which magically brings you back to the present and the future.
Only a few, but essential accessories. I like the art déco bouquet necklaces’ special effect; a necklace I bought in London a few years ago. It seems as though its one in itself, blossoming from the dress itself. And it is in this way that I wanted to interpret Gulhan Ozer’s wonderful sheath dress.
I’m wearing
flower dress GULHAM OZER
clutch BLUGIRL
twisted bracelet CREATTIVA by Imma Lazzaro
gold studded cuff H&M
pirate bracelet limited edition CRUCIANI
sandals MIU MIU